Praise God! My hands are healing and I can sculpt again! Yipee. : Glory Forms
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Praise God! My hands are healing and I can sculpt again! Yipee.

by Catherine Jacobs on 04/08/22

This means I am open to sculpting again!

Do you have child  for before 40 weeks of life, that you would like a portrait doll made of?
I can also sculpt a small bas relief sculpt of your child on canvas or paint them in acrylic paint on canvas. 
Hop over to my instagram account at catherinejacobs7999 and see the progress my hands have made. 
In the past three years I have had two major very painful hand surgeries for osteoarthritis in my thumbs. I had to stop drawing, and sculpting. I was not able to do any clay work for  a couple years. Wondering if I would ever sculpt again. But Praise be to God I am able to sculpt again!
Please contact me if you are interested.
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Model search for babies born at 33, 34, 37, 39 weeks of pregnancy. 

A grant has been made to cover the cost of materials for making your portrait doll by

Artist goal is to finish the series of sculpting all 40 weeks of life. 
You can help save real babies lives.
 Please contact artist. See link below.